Monday 21 March 2016

OL Beauty Coffee - Enjoy the Coffee Aroma and Slimming Sensation

OL Beauty Coffee selects the world famous, one of the world’s top quality- the Brazilian coffee beans. Through a special handling of natural techniques, it comes with strong and thick aroma. OL Beauty coffee specially introduce the latest technology of Japanese drip coffee, no matter where you are, you are still able to enjoy a cup of good coffee with the combination of beauty, health and slimming all in one. 

With 100% all natural ingredients, there is no added chemicals, no side effects, and more importantly, no more yoyo effect! We are looking for a healthy weight by reducing body fat, but by no means to lose muscles. As long as it’s a healthy lose weight process, it’s guaranteed that you will never regain weight!
Looking for a cup of good coffee during slimming period? Choose OL Beauty coffee, you will never regret!

The Caffeine in OL Beauty Coffee helps:
1. To Detox ✅
2. To Burn Fat✅
3. To Boost Metabolic Rate✅
4. To Reduce Visceral Fat✅
5. To Suppress Appetite✅
6. To Lose Weight✅
7. To Drastically Improve Physical Performance✅
8. To Have Younger Looking Skin with the Biggest Source of Antioxidants✅
9. No More YOYO Effect! ✅

The most important thing is, OL Beauty Coffee is 100% natural, it is not slimming medication and no side effect at all! 1 course of 3 months and you will see a brand new you. Come join us! 

Facebook:OL Beauty Coffee OL美咖

Buy OL Beauty Coffee and get our 7-days healthy diet and workout plans for FREE!

Why Choosing OL Beauty Coffee?

Transformation from Fat Auntie to Malaysia's Jung Da Yeon

Although I am not pretty, but I am confident to say that I look younger than I was 10 years ago! You have the choice to choose either to become fat and look older or to become slim and look younger! Choose the right product which can help you to slim down easily in a more healthy way! What else ? Of course with OL Beauty Coffee! 

What you waiting for?

Wechat: OLbeautycoffee

How Auntie Reborn...

At the 5th day of drinking OL Beauty Coffee, I realized that I have lose 3kg! And the most important thing is, my tummy is smaller!
In just 7 days, my big tummy that has been following me for a long time has miraculously disappear! I am so happy because I feel like I have reborn now!
Trust me, if you are willing to give yourself a chance to reborn, to get rid of your big tummy, you can be just like me! Let us be young and slim together!

What you waiting for?
Wechat: OLbeautycoffee

Transformation of A Mother of 3 Children!

Luckily my friend introduced  OL Beauty Coffee to me and after drinking for 7 days, all it takes was natural detoxication for 2 times every morning without stomach pain.  I realized  that slim down can be easy and healthy as long as you have choose the right product for you!       

Ladies what you waiting for?

Wechat: OLbeautycoffee

My Journey from Fatty to Fit!

I was really motivated after the good start. After 3 months of commitment, I have loss 20kg! 20kg man... !! 
My body fat and subcutaneous fat has been vastly improved as well. I beg my sister to help me get another treatment (4 boxes). Within 6 months time from the day I first tried OL Beauty Coffee, my weight has dropped easily from 108kg to 80kg without struggle. 

Only in 6 months time and only with OL Beauty Coffee! It's simple and easy! I am 80kg now and I can't say that I have succeeded in  my weight loss journey because my ideal weight is 75kg. But after drinking OL Beauty Coffee, it really helps me to slim down in a healthy way. 

I share my story here with you is with the hope that it will inspired you to slim down the healthy way like I do. Let's fight together!

What you waiting for?

Wechat: OLbeautycoffee

Even Body FAT able to reduce?!

See the different of the result slimming down by using healthy way? Only 7 days, one of our agent abel to cut down the body fat by following our effective diet and workout plans! Even though her weight increased 200g, her whole body fat reduced, this is a very awesome result by cutting down the fat and increasing the muscle weight!
Weight is just a number, but the body fat and your muscle balancing will effect your body appearance and shape. This is the objective of OL Beauty Coffee.

What you waiting for?
Wechat: OLbeautycoffee

Facebook:OL Beauty Coffee OL美咖

Facebook Message:

Sunday 20 March 2016

Transformation from Fat Auntie to Malaysia's Jung Da Yeon

Ever since I start dating with my husband I have become chubby. 

After become a mother of 2 children, I was even more chubbier. My friends always tease me with my weight issue but I didn't take it seriously.  
During that time my closet was all with T-Shirts & Jeans because all the beautiful clothes did not carry my size, and even if it does, they don't look good on me at all.

It's so true that we look older than our actual age when we are fat. I was not even 30 years old and people keep on calling me auntie, but I still keep myself optimistic . One day, one of my best friend told me that she felt I am too far, and her husband said if I was his wife, he would have divorced me long time ago. I was extremely hurt by what she and her husband said. 

That was the turning point where I was determined  that I wanna lose weight, slim down and have a fit body. I wanna be slimmer than her. After a long period of time of controlled diet and work out, I did really slim down from 75kg to 69kg! 

This is how I look like during 69kg

But it is difficult to lose the fat around my waist...

After I start to drink OL Beauty Coffee, although my weight did not drop a lot but the fat surrounding my waist become lesser, my body fat has reduced! MY body shape and size also has become smaller. 

There are a lot of slimming products on the market will cause diarrhea, raising heart beat, insomnia, lose of appetite etc which I have tried before , but I didn't experienced any such side effects by drinking OL Beauty Coffee because it's 100% natural.

I took this photo in a month after I started to drink OL Beauty Coffee.

Although I am not pretty, but I am confident to say that I look younger than I was 10 years ago! You have the choice to choose either to become fat and look older or to become slim and look younger! Choose the right product which can help you to slim down easily in a more healthy way! What else ? Of course with OL Beauty Coffee! 

Let's Fight the FAT together, and Stay Forever YOUNG!
Wechat: limeanluan1213

What is OL Beauty Coffee?
The slimming product called OL beauty Coffee, it's natural coffee with the combination of beauty, health and slimming effect all in one. The country of origin is from Brazil and packing in Taiwan, 100% import.

The caffeine in OL Beauty Coffee helps:
1. To detox
2. To burn fat 
3. To boost metabolic rate
4. To reduce visceral fat
5. To suppress appetite
6. To lose weight
7. To drastically improve physical performance
8. To have younger looking skin with the biggest source of antioxidants 
9. No more YOYO effect!

Ingredients: 100% Brazil Arabica Coffee Beans

Please Contact Us:
Wechat: limeanluan1213

Facebook Message:

Friday 15 January 2016

How Auntie Reborn...

When I get married I was actually quite pretty... a little bit of baby fat but cute... :)

But my body has changed after I gave birth to 2 children.

Friends and family have been confronting to me that I will shrink back to my pre-birth body shape within short period after I gave birth but the truth is, no matter how hard I try, I still not able  to get rid of the extra pounds I gained during my pregnancies.

Being a 'mother' is a stressful job with restless time and you cannot simply quit. We always put the wants and needs of our children at  first priority until we forgot our own needs. Every time when I take photo with my husband and children, I tend to hide behind my children, using them to cover my body. But in actual fact I knew that I'm fat, I am just deceiving myself.

I started to buy slimming pills and meal replacement hoping that the fats around my waist and my tummy will lost.
But unfortunately after I have lose 3kg, it stopped and then rebound with YOYO effect. The result of this vicious cycle is... I have gained more weight and now I even have bigger tummy than before. A lot of people thought that I am pregnant again... It was an awful experience!

Until one day, I get to know OL Beauty Coffee by coincidence. Due to my curiosity I have started to survey and understand more about this product. OL Beauty Coffee is using 100% natural ingredients to procure beauty and slimming. The country of origin is Brazil and manufacturing in Taiwan. Thus, it is 100% imported product.  

As an imported product, OL Beauty Coffee is absolutely great value for money. Although the effectiveness of the product is very important to me, but I do believe that health is still the utmost important of all.

When OL Beauty Coffee invited me to become their agent, to be honest I was totally not confident at all, especially I have lost my faith in slimming products with the past experience.

But anyhow, in order to give myself a chance to reborn, I have decided to take up the challenge of testing the product myself. This is because if I want to be an agent of OL Beauty Coffee, I have to make sure that this product is safe to consume and I have to slim down, for it to be convincing.   

At the 5th day of drinking OL Beauty Coffee, I realized that I have lose 3kg! And the most important thing is, my tummy is smaller! 

In just 7 days, my big tummy that has been following me for a long time has miraculously disappear! I am so happy because I feel like I have reborn now!

Trust me, if you are willing to give yourself a chance to reborn, to get rid of your big tummy, you can be just like me! Let us be young and slim together!

Please Contact Us:
Wechat:  iluvteng4ever

OL Beauty Coffee Facebook 

What is OL Beauty Coffee?
The slimming product called OL beauty Coffee ,it's natural coffee with the combination of beauty, health and slimming effect all in one. The country of origin is from Brazil and packing in Taiwan, 100% import.

The caffeine in OL Beauty Coffee helps:
1. To detox
2. To burn fat 
3. To boost metabolic rate
4. To reduce visceral fat
5. To suppress appetite
6. To lose weight
7. To drastically improve physical performance
8. To have younger looking skin with the biggest source of antioxidants 
9. No more YOYO effect!

Ingredients: 100% Brazil Arabica Coffee Beans

Please Contact Us:
Wechat:  SSBeautyshop

OL Beauty Coffee Facebook 

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Transformation of A Mother of 3 Children!

I found it hard to loss weight after giving birth to 3 children.

May be it's age related as well,  as after giving birth to each child, i felt it's  more and more difficult for me to recover to my previous body size before pregnant. 

No matter how hard I exercise or how I control on my diet after I was at the age of 40, those plans are not working on me!

I started to rely on the slimming pills prescribed by Doctor. Unfortunately it makes my heart rate increase until I couldn't sleep, and it affects my health. Doctor's prescribed the slimming pill (blue colour)  causing oil to spurt out whenever I pass motion and I can't control it at all!

Luckily my friend introduced  OL Beauty Coffee to me and after drinking for 7 days, all it takes was natural detoxication for 2 times every morning without stomach pain.  I realized  that slim down can be easy and healthy as long as you have choose the right product for you!       

Please Contact Us:
Wechat:  SSBeautyshop

OL Beauty Coffee Facebook 

What is OL Beauty Coffee?
The slimming product called OL beauty Coffee ,it's natural coffee with the combination of beauty, health and slimming effect all in one. The country of origin is from Brazil and packing in Taiwan, 100% import.

The caffeine in OL Beauty Coffee helps:
1. To detox
2. To burn fat 
3. To boost metabolic rate
4. To reduce visceral fat
5. To suppress appetite
6. To lose weight
7. To drastically improve physical performance
8. To have younger looking skin with the biggest source of antioxidants 
9. No more YOYO effect!

Ingredients: 100% Brazil Arabica Coffee Beans

Please Contact Us:
Wechat:  SSBeautyshop

OL Beauty Coffee Facebook