Friday 15 January 2016

How Auntie Reborn...

When I get married I was actually quite pretty... a little bit of baby fat but cute... :)

But my body has changed after I gave birth to 2 children.

Friends and family have been confronting to me that I will shrink back to my pre-birth body shape within short period after I gave birth but the truth is, no matter how hard I try, I still not able  to get rid of the extra pounds I gained during my pregnancies.

Being a 'mother' is a stressful job with restless time and you cannot simply quit. We always put the wants and needs of our children at  first priority until we forgot our own needs. Every time when I take photo with my husband and children, I tend to hide behind my children, using them to cover my body. But in actual fact I knew that I'm fat, I am just deceiving myself.

I started to buy slimming pills and meal replacement hoping that the fats around my waist and my tummy will lost.
But unfortunately after I have lose 3kg, it stopped and then rebound with YOYO effect. The result of this vicious cycle is... I have gained more weight and now I even have bigger tummy than before. A lot of people thought that I am pregnant again... It was an awful experience!

Until one day, I get to know OL Beauty Coffee by coincidence. Due to my curiosity I have started to survey and understand more about this product. OL Beauty Coffee is using 100% natural ingredients to procure beauty and slimming. The country of origin is Brazil and manufacturing in Taiwan. Thus, it is 100% imported product.  

As an imported product, OL Beauty Coffee is absolutely great value for money. Although the effectiveness of the product is very important to me, but I do believe that health is still the utmost important of all.

When OL Beauty Coffee invited me to become their agent, to be honest I was totally not confident at all, especially I have lost my faith in slimming products with the past experience.

But anyhow, in order to give myself a chance to reborn, I have decided to take up the challenge of testing the product myself. This is because if I want to be an agent of OL Beauty Coffee, I have to make sure that this product is safe to consume and I have to slim down, for it to be convincing.   

At the 5th day of drinking OL Beauty Coffee, I realized that I have lose 3kg! And the most important thing is, my tummy is smaller! 

In just 7 days, my big tummy that has been following me for a long time has miraculously disappear! I am so happy because I feel like I have reborn now!

Trust me, if you are willing to give yourself a chance to reborn, to get rid of your big tummy, you can be just like me! Let us be young and slim together!

Please Contact Us:
Wechat:  iluvteng4ever

OL Beauty Coffee Facebook 

What is OL Beauty Coffee?
The slimming product called OL beauty Coffee ,it's natural coffee with the combination of beauty, health and slimming effect all in one. The country of origin is from Brazil and packing in Taiwan, 100% import.

The caffeine in OL Beauty Coffee helps:
1. To detox
2. To burn fat 
3. To boost metabolic rate
4. To reduce visceral fat
5. To suppress appetite
6. To lose weight
7. To drastically improve physical performance
8. To have younger looking skin with the biggest source of antioxidants 
9. No more YOYO effect!

Ingredients: 100% Brazil Arabica Coffee Beans

Please Contact Us:
Wechat:  SSBeautyshop

OL Beauty Coffee Facebook 

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Transformation of A Mother of 3 Children!

I found it hard to loss weight after giving birth to 3 children.

May be it's age related as well,  as after giving birth to each child, i felt it's  more and more difficult for me to recover to my previous body size before pregnant. 

No matter how hard I exercise or how I control on my diet after I was at the age of 40, those plans are not working on me!

I started to rely on the slimming pills prescribed by Doctor. Unfortunately it makes my heart rate increase until I couldn't sleep, and it affects my health. Doctor's prescribed the slimming pill (blue colour)  causing oil to spurt out whenever I pass motion and I can't control it at all!

Luckily my friend introduced  OL Beauty Coffee to me and after drinking for 7 days, all it takes was natural detoxication for 2 times every morning without stomach pain.  I realized  that slim down can be easy and healthy as long as you have choose the right product for you!       

Please Contact Us:
Wechat:  SSBeautyshop

OL Beauty Coffee Facebook 

What is OL Beauty Coffee?
The slimming product called OL beauty Coffee ,it's natural coffee with the combination of beauty, health and slimming effect all in one. The country of origin is from Brazil and packing in Taiwan, 100% import.

The caffeine in OL Beauty Coffee helps:
1. To detox
2. To burn fat 
3. To boost metabolic rate
4. To reduce visceral fat
5. To suppress appetite
6. To lose weight
7. To drastically improve physical performance
8. To have younger looking skin with the biggest source of antioxidants 
9. No more YOYO effect!

Ingredients: 100% Brazil Arabica Coffee Beans

Please Contact Us:
Wechat:  SSBeautyshop

OL Beauty Coffee Facebook 

My Journey from Fatty to Fit!

We all have friends who are on diet, or maybe you are the one on diet. With no exception, I am also trying to loss weight. I have the nickname of "fatty" since I was  little boy.

Since the day I realized that I am over weight, I have decided  to loss weight but with no further action. From secondary school to university, and from university to working life,  my weight has reached the highest record -- 122kg ! (and I am only 176cm).

Can you imagine a fatty who is 122 kg trying to exercise? Walking itself already makes me gasping for breath, not to mention climbing stairs. Running? You better kill me!
Eating and drinking uncontrollably causing my weight to lose control. I have high cholesterol before I was 30 years old and my body fat was above 40%. 

At that time I didn't care what other people think of me, I just wanted to live the lifestyle that I wanted. On one hand I keep saying that I wanted to lose weight but on the other hand eating and drinking uncontrollably.

Reading  122kg on weighing scale is a total shock! Although I thought I didn't really care about the numbers as I  didn't put much effort on controlling my weight but 122kg... I was in awe.

At last, I have started to switch my feasting parties and drinking sessions to jogging and gym. After 6 months, with my weekly exercise and a more controlled diet, my weight has drop to 116kg. But unfortunately, after losing the 6kg my weight remained stagnant.

I was frustrating and I ended up trying a pretty popular diet product at that time - meal replacement. Undeniably it was quite effective at first. My weight was 105kg but because it was expensive and I couldn't afford to continue after consuming for 6 months. The worst thing is that my weight has bounced back to 110kg after I stop the meal replacement for 2 months. 

My weight has been bouncing like a yoyo before OL Beauty Coffee comes into my life.

To be honest, I was depressed and my self esteem was low at that time because of my weight. 

At one occasion I received 4 boxes of OL Beauty Coffee from my sister (my birthday present). It has literally changed my life! 1 cup of OL Beauty Coffee after lunch everyday, together with balanced diet and constant exercise, I have loss 3kg after 7 days! What even more amazing is, no more constipation and my body function has improved!

I was really motivated after the good start. After 3 months of commitment, I have loss 20kg! 20kg man... !! 
My body fat and subcutaneous fat has been vastly improved as well.

I beg my sister to help me get another treatment (4 boxes). Within 6 months time from the day I first tried OL Beauty Coffee, my weight has dropped easily from 108kg to 80kg without struggle. 

Only in 6 months time and only with OL Beauty Coffee! It's simple and easy! 

I am 80kg now and I can't say that I have succeeded in  my weight loss journey because my ideal weight is 75kg. But after drinking OL Beauty Coffee, it really helps me to slim down in a healthy way. 

I share my story here with you is with the hope that it will inspired you to slim down the healthy way like I do. Let's fight together!

Please Contact Us:
Wechat: OLbeautycoffee

Facebook Message:

What is OL Beauty Coffee?
The slimming product called OL beauty Coffee, it's natural coffee with the combination of beauty, health and slimming effect all in one. The country of origin is from Brazil and packing in Taiwan, 100% import.

The caffeine in OL Beauty Coffee helps:
1. To detox
2. To burn fat 
3. To boost metabolic rate
4. To reduce visceral fat
5. To suppress appetite
6. To lose weight
7. To drastically improve physical performance
8. To have younger looking skin with the biggest source of antioxidants 
9. No more YOYO effect!

Ingredients: 100% Brazil Arabica Coffee Beans

Please Contact Us:
Wechat: OLbeautycoffee

Facebook Message:


自从我拍拖后就开始胖了,不过我还认为自己比较ni ni而已,都不怎么胖(不晓得是不是太过乐观了)


人胖真的比较显老,那时不到30岁,已经很多人叫我安娣,但我还是一点危机感也没有,直到有天一个闺蜜用很轻蔑的眼光说我胖到像只母猪 ,脸和身材都不能见人,最令我觉得受伤的是她说她老公说如果娶到像我这样的女人,他早就离婚了(如果是闺蜜的话,她老公说这样的话时,拜托别让我知道)那时真的很伤心,心想难道我就这么差?




只从我喝了OL coffee后,我肚子的肉少很多了,虽然我的体重下不多,但我的体型明显小很多了,而且我的皮下脂肪也少了,最重要的是我的肌肉没流失,证明OL coffee减脂不减肌肉。

市面上很多减肥产品都是会泄肚子,心跳加速,失眠,食欲不振等等,但OL coffee却没有酱子的症状,要不然我不用做工了,整天抱住马桶就好了~



虽然有点不好意思,但是。。。朋友都说我是大马郑多燕 ~

赶快微信 limeanluan1213

什么是 OL Beauty Coffee?
功效:加强免疫系统、促进新陈代谢、排解宿便、舒缓水肿、拥有健康亮丽的肌肤、维持曼妙迷人曲线、变得更年轻。 原产地:巴西,包装;台湾,100%进口货。

1.排毒 ✅


Wechat: limeanluan1213